Integrated Pest Management

Here at A.B.C. Consulting Arborist LLC we believe in Integrated Pest Management, or IPM. We believe in the use of pesticides as a last resort, and target the identified pest or disease with as much precision as possible, and we rotate the active ingredients to minimize pest(s)/disease(s) building a resistance to chemical controls. The over use [...]

By | August 16th, 2016|Education, Financial, Tree Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Integrated Pest Management


Whether you have a question on the health of 1 plant or you need a Risk Assessment and an Inventory of every tree in city. The Consultants here at A.B.C. Consulting Arborist LLC are here to provide you with scientific state of the art solutions for all of your Tree Management Needs. A Consulting Arborist [...]

By | August 15th, 2016|Education, Tree Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Consultations
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